IN PICTURES: People march in London to demand Brexit vote

Almost 700,000 people marched in London on Saturday 20 October to call for a vote on Brexit. The rally was organised by the People’s Vote, a campaign with cross-party support.

People's vote march in London.

Among the hundreds of thousand who participated in the demonstration, activists of the3million and British in Europe, two groups representing EU nationals in the UK and British living in other EU countries, marched together under the banner of “the 5 million”. This is the number of people who moved across borders that will be directly affected by Brexit. The 5 million were asking to be given a vote should there be a second referendum, an opportunity they were denied when the UK voted to leave the EU in 2016.

Like many other people from across the UK, British citizens living elsewhere in Europe joined the march to make their voice heard. This is a representation of British in Germany.

And from Italy…

And Spain…

Also at the march were the organisers of the In Limbo project, a collection of personal testimonies of EU nationals in the UK and British in Europe on the impacts of Brexit.

People's vote march in London

“I just want to say a little something today about all the European Union citizens who live and work in the United Kingdom and who didn’t get a vote, to say that those of us here today still very much care about you and we want you to remain here and continue making the huge contribution you do,” said SNP MP Joanna Cherry at the rally. She spoke in Parliament Square with Caroline Lucas (Greens), Chuka Umunna (Labour), Vince Cable (LibDem) and Anna Soubry (Conservative).

As the UK and the EU struggle to reach an agreement on the terms of the UK departure from the bloc, individuals and families continue facing uncertainty about their future.

This is what Guy Verhofstadt, Brexit coordinator at the European parliament, said about the rally.

And a comment from the German Minister for economic affairs.


People's Vote march - Bregret

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